Translate kennenlernen into english

Context sentences for "kennenlernen"

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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. Translation of "solllet euch kennenlernen" in English. Ich finde, ihr 2 solllet euch kennenlernen. I guess you two should know each other. I guess. Suggest an example. Ich fand nur, ihr solltet euch kennenlernen. I just thought you two should meet. Ich lasse euch und eure neuen Freunde allein, damit ihr euch kennenlernen könnt. I think I'll leave you and your new friends to get acquaintance. Es ist mir eine Ehre, Euch kennenlernen zu dürfen, Euer Heiligkeit.

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It's an honor to meet you , Your Holiness. Ich werde Euch zwei verlassen, damit Ihr Euch kennenlernen könnt.

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I'll leave you two to get acquainted. Heather kümmert sich in meiner Firma um die Entwicklung und ich fand, ihr zwei solltet euch kennenlernen. Heather heads up development for my company, and I figured you two guys should meet.

Your Answer

Ernst genug, dass wir durch die Stadt fuhren und ich dachte ihr zwei solltet euch kennenlernen. Serious enough that we were driving through town, and I thought the two of you should meet. I also want to join this toast to thank you for welcoming me into this family get-together. I first found it in Ghana, where it is called'Oware'. We did not get the chance to hear all sides of the debate. The Irish example, which I had the pleasure to learn about, is a good one.

Irland, das ich kennenlernen durfte, ist dafür ein sehr gutes Beispiel. I began to learn our history.

solllet euch kennenlernen - Translation into English - examples German | Reverso Context

I learned about loyalty and commitment and choice. She obviously never met Mrs Thatcher! It is the place where I met my wife Sandra at a human rights course. Hier habe ich während meines Studiums der Menschenrechte meine Frau Sandra kennengelernt. I remember meeting her outside the audition room for the first time. When you are traveling, you want to learn about your destination.

English-German Dictionary

The European works councils must be able to get to know each other better. Synonyms for "kennenlernen".

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  3. Translation of "kennenlernen" - German-English dictionary.
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